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Who needs access to your Invoca account, and which permissions do they need? This article will teach you how to invite new users to your Invoca account, manage the permissions of existing users, and remove users who no longer need access. We’ll also go through a quick summary of each type of user role available in your Invoca account, along with recommended personas for each.

Do you host users in an Advertiser or Publisher account?
If you manage an Invoca network but host users who only access Invoca through a Profile, Advertiser, or Publisher account on your network, (for example, if you use Invoca for Performance Marketing ) some things in this article will work slightly differently.

Adding, editing, and deleting users in your Invoca account requires special user permissions. To add users, you must have a Manager-level account or higher. To edit or delete users, or to add many users at once using a spreadsheet, you must be a Super User in your Invoca account.

Here's a quick table of contents to help you navigate this article:

  1. Adding new users to your account
  2. Editing and deleting users from your account
  3. Understanding the different user roles available in Invoca


Adding new users to your Invoca account

There are two ways to add users to your Invoca account: you can add them one by one, or upload a spreadsheet to add many users at once.

Adding one user at a time

  1. Log in to your Invoca account. In the sidebar menu, click Settings.
  2. If you want to add a user to the same account as you (Network, Advertiser, or Publisher), click Users. If you're a Network user and you want to add a user to an Advertiser or Publisher account in your network, use the Advertisers or Publishers drop-down menu to select that account, then click Users in the Advertisers or Publishers section.Screen Shot 2022-02-09 at 6.54.34 PM.png
  3. Click + New. In the Email text box, enter the email address of the new user you’d like to invite to Invoca. Then, select the role for that user from the Role drop-down menu and their license(s) using the License Type checkboxes (see below). When you’re finished, click Invite New User.

That’s it! We’ll send an email to the email address you entered. The recipient will be able to follow the instructions in that email to log in and create a password to access Invoca.

Adding several users at once via a spreadsheet

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  1. Log in to your Invoca account. In the sidebar menu, click Settings.
  2. If you want to add users to the same account as you (Network, Advertiser, or Publisher), click Users. If you're a Network user and you want to add a user to an Advertiser or Publisher account in your network, use the Advertisers or Publishers drop-down menu to select that account, then click Users in the Advertisers or Publishers section.
  3. Click the options menu (three vertical dots) next to the + New button and select Import Users. Then, click Download Template and save the spreadsheet template file to your device.
  4. Open the template you just downloaded (bulk_user_management_template.xlsx) using any spreadsheet app. For each user you want to add to your Invoca account, include a row with the following information in each column:
    • email: The email address of a user you'd like to add to your account
    • role: The user role and account access you want to give to that user (see below for more details)
  5. Once you're finished updating your spreadsheet, save it, then return to your Invoca account. Click the cloud icon to browse your device for your updated spreadsheet file and upload the file. 

Once you're finished, your Invoca account will get to work processing your spreadsheet. When it's done, you'll see a Successful notification in your notification center, and we’ll send an email to each email address you entered. The recipient will be able to follow the instructions in that email to log in and create a password to access Invoca.

Editing and deleting users in your Invoca account

To change the role of a user in your Invoca account, edit their personal information, or remove a user, you must be a Super User in your Invoca account. Again, you can edit and delete users one at a time, or use a spreadsheet to manage many users at once. As a reminder, before following these steps, make sure you're navigating Invoca at the appropriate platform level for the users you wish to manage.

Editing or deleting users one at a time

  1. Log in to your Invoca account. In the sidebar menu, click Settings.
  2. If you want to edit a user in the same account as you (Network, Advertiser, or Publisher), click Users. If you're a Network user and you want to add a user to an Advertiser or Publisher account in your network, use the Advertisers or Publishers drop-down menu to select that account, then click Users in the Advertisers or Publishers section.
  3. Find the user you want to manage from the list of users in your account.
    • If you want to change that user’s role, click the drop-down menu in the Role column and select the new role you want for that user. 
    • If you want to change that user’s personal details, such as their name, phone number, time zone, or API credentials, click the user’s name. Then change any details in the user info window that pops up.
    • If you want to delete the user, click the trash can icon in the Actions column.


Editing or deleting several users at once via a spreadsheet


  1. Log in to your Invoca account. In the sidebar, click Settings.
  2. If you want to edit users in the same account as you (Network, Advertiser, or Publisher), click Users. If you're a Network user and you want to add a user to an Advertiser or Publisher account in your network, use the Advertisers or Publishers drop-down menu to select that account, then click Users in the Advertisers or Publishers section.
  3. Click the options menu (three vertical dots) next to the + New button and select Export Users. Then, click Download Template and save the spreadsheet template file to your device.
  4. Open the template you just downloaded (users_export_####.xlsx) using any spreadsheet app. 
  5. If you want to delete any users, add a new column. In the same row as the rest of the column headers, enter "Delete User".
  6. For each user you want to edit or delete to your Invoca account, include a row with the following information in each column:
    • For each user you want to edit or delete, enter that user's email address in the "email" column
    • For each user whose role you want to change, enter a new role (see the list of user roles, below) in the "role" column.
    • For each user you want to delete, enter "Delete User" in the "Delete User" column.
  7. Once you're finished updating your spreadsheet, save it, then return to your Invoca account. Click the cloud icon to browse your device for your updated spreadsheet file and upload the file.

  Once you're finished, your Invoca account will get to work processing your spreadsheet. When it's done, you'll see a Successful notification in your notification center — letting you know the changes you made are finished.

What does each user role in my Invoca account mean?

You can set each user in your Invoca account at one of five different levels of user permissions. The most common user roles are Observers and Super Users.

Here’s an overview of the different user roles, as well as an ideal persona for each user, and a detailed matrix of each action users of each role can take in your account. Keep in mind that each user level in this list also includes all privileges for each role above it.

Reporting Users

  • Key permissions: A view-only role, able to see your organization’s Transaction Reports and Signal results in reports, listen to call recordings, and read transcripts.
  • Persona: A member of your marketing, sales, or business intelligence team who needs to view the performance of your phone calls but doesn’t need to manage your Invoca settings.

Filtered Reporting


  • Key permissions: Able to see all your organization’s reports, including promo number and campaign statistics.
  • Persona: Marketers who need to be able to evaluate the full customer journey of your marketing efforts, and what’s driving your phone calls.


  • Key permissions: Able to increase your organization’s promo number limit, and view and edit your integrations.
  • Persona: Agencies more commonly have this role, allowing them to view reporting, manage Invoca promo numbers and campaigns, and setup integrations with the rest of your marketing software.


  • Key permissions: Able to manage and toggle Signals in your account, and invite new users to your Invoca account.
  • Persona: Administrators or active users of your Invoca account; marketers who are responsible for creating and reviewing qualified outcomes for your phone calls as Signals.

Super Users

  • Key permissions: The highest administrator of your Invoca account. Able to edit account settings and user roles for other users, set up Two-Factor Authentication for your organization, and create and approve new Performance Marketing profiles and channels. Additionally, only Super Users can access the call recordings used for training your Signal AI.
  • Persona: The lead user of Invoca in your organization; head of digital marketing; API developers and integrations experts; IT or software procurement specialists.

Here’s a detailed overview of every single account permission available to each user role in your Invoca account:


Action Filtered Reporting Users (Network only) Reporting Users Observers Members Managers Super Users
View transaction reports
View Signal results in reports
Listen to call recordings and read transcripts
Edit their own user settings
Can be created & managed via SAML SSO X
Access and view all of my Network's calls in reports X (can only view calls/data user is mapped to)
View all organization reports X X
See all other users in your account X X
View and edit integrations X X X
Act on behalf of Profiles and Publishers (Network only) X X X
Edit campaigns (Profile only) X X X
Accept or reject campaign applications (Profile only) X X X
Apply to campaigns (Publisher only) X X X
Manage promo number assignments and creatives for campaigns (Publisher only) X X X
Edit company profile (Publisher only) X X X
Send and delete invitations for other users in your account to be Members or Managers X X X X
Create, edit, enable, and disable Signals X X X X
Pull a newOAuth token to authorize third party access to Invoca data via API X X X X
Move promo numbers between different campaigns X X X X X
Delete promo numbers from your account X X X X X
Send and delete invitations for other users in your account to become Super Users X X X X X
Change user roles and edit account settings for other users in your account X X X X X
Delete other users in your account X X X X X
Approve profile and publisher applications (Network only) X X X X X
Create new profiles and publishers (Network only) X X X X X
Manage customer feedback (Network only) X X X X X
Change Two-Factor Authentication settings for your entire network (Network only) X X X X X


Managing license types for sales and/or marketing users

If your organization uses Invoca for Sales as well as for Marketing, access to your Sales or Marketing features is determined through a license type — called either a Sales license or Marketing license, respectively. If you've purchased both Invoca for Sales and Invoca for Marketing, while creating or editing a user, you can use the License Type checkboxes to give that user one or both licenses.
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Here's a list of which Invoca features are granted by each license type: 

  • Users with a Marketing License: Can access campaigns, integrations, phone numbers, Marketing Data, Signals, Invoca Tags, and performance marketing features, if applicable. Can also view and create dashboards and reports.
  • Users with a Sales License: Can access call scores and Signals. Can view dashboards, view reports, and add comments to calls. 


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What user role and level is required to create OAuth and API credentials for a network.


@hadams You must be a Manager-level user or higher. Thanks for the question! I've updated the article with the new information.

Contributor Level 1

@stevestormoen what user role and level is required to be able to tag colleagues in comments on a call?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @LauraKat we have received your question and are working on getting a response from the product team. We will post here when we have an answer. Thanks for your patience! 

Contributor Level 1

@maria_ogneva I played around with permissions and discovered that at the Observer level and higher, you can tag people in comments, but Reporting and Filtered Reporting roles cannot.

Community Manager
Community Manager

That's correct. The Observer and higher roles are able to view and tag members, while the Reporting and Filtered Reporting roles cannot view or tag members within their organization. This is currently due to how the permission structure is defined. We're actively evaluating the security and compliance of our roles to ensure they align with our customers' needs, just like the one you've highlighted. We'll be updating this capability in the near future. Your feedback is incredibly valuable as we strive to enhance our platform to better serve you.

Contributor Level 1

@maria_ogneva Thanks for following up. This tagging feature would be extremely helpful for our filtered reporting users. We are a multi-site company and our filtered reporting users are our sales directors at a particular site and can only see calls for their site, which is a great feature. We'd love for them to be able to tag their Regional Director in calls. Hope this is a feature that could be added soon! Thanks.