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Among your Invoca reports, your Transactions Details report is a great resource to troubleshoot the data in your Invoca account. Whenever phone call or Signal data is added or changed in your Invoca account, the Transactions Details report keeps a record of that event. The result is a thorough history of the last 25 months of your Invoca reporting data — perfect for auditing any potential errors.

This article is meant to help you interpret the data in your Transactions Details report:


Accessing your Transactions Details report:
To access your Transactions Details report, login to your Invoca account. In the gray menu ribbon, hover over Reports, then select Transactions. 


Understanding the rows in your Transactions Details report

Each row of your Transactions Details report represents a different event that changed some phone call, marketing, or Signal data in your Invoca account. The different types of events that create rows in your Transactions report vary depending on the date range you are looking at:

  • For transactions that occurred after 11/12/2019, each row in your Transactions Report represents an event that updated. In this newer version, events that update more than one Signal or Custom Data value are combined together into a single row in your report.
  • For transactions that occurred before 11/12/2019, you will also see a separate row in your Transactions Report for each of your Signals as it is applied to each phone call. 


Understanding the columns in your Transactions Details report 

The columns in your Transactions report each represent a piece of data that was updated in a transaction event, such as the values your Marketing Data fields and Signals. If you don’t see the field you’re looking for, click Edit Columns and select the checkbox for that field. When you’re finished, click Done. The fields you’ve selected will now appear as columns in your report.

Not sure what kind of data each column in your Transactions Details report tracks? Here’s an overview of the columns included in the report:

Marketing Data columns

These columns represent the Marketing Data fields and Signals you’ve created in your Invoca account. For Marketing Data columns, these columns will show the value captured in that Marketing Data field; for Signal columns, it will show a checkmark to indicate whether or not your Signal was reported in this transaction.

Call Details columns

This section includes basic information about your Invoca call, including the region, source, and medium of your phone call. 

  • Call Start Time: Start date and time of call, displayed in your chosen time zone
  • Transaction ID: A unique ID representing a transaction recorded on the platform. Each row in your Transactions Details report will have a different Transaction ID — likewise, each phone call in your Invoca account can be connected to multiple transactions if Post-Call Events are applied to that call.
  • Type: The type of event that created this data transaction in your Invoca account. Rows in your Transactions Details report can have the following types:
    • Calls: These are new phone calls fielded in your Invoca account.
    • Post-call event: (Only applicable for customers with a more recent version of our Signal API) These are data transactions that take place after your phone call that change the reporting data from your call. 
    • Signal: (Only applicable for customers with an older version of our Signal API) These are Signals that are applied after your phone call ends. Each Signal row reports only one Signal from one phone call.
  • Order ID: An ID for the phone call associated with this row. For phone call Transactions, this is the same as the call’s Transaction ID column value. For each other transaction type, this will show the Transaction ID of the original phone call. 
  • Media Type: The type of promo number dialed by your customer for this call.
  • Source: The phone number of the Invoca promo number dialed by your caller..
  • Promo Number ID: The unique identifier in your Invoca account of the promo number served to your caller.
  • City: The nearest city to your caller. This is based on caller ID unless your caller went through a “verify region” condition in your Call Treatment (IVR) Options, in which case the verified city is reported instead.
  • Region: This is the state, province, or country of your caller. This is determined the same way as the City column, detailed above.
  • Qualified Regions: If you defined any “qualified regions” when you create an Invoca campaign, this column shows which of those regions, if any, are satisfied by this phone call.
  • Repeat Caller: This column reports whether you’ve received a phone call from this caller previously. For more information about repeat callers, see Understanding and managing repeat calls.
  • Caller ID: The phone number of your caller, as determined by Caller ID / ANI (Automated Number Identification).
  • Phone Type: The type of phone used by your caller, including: "Landline", "Mobile". This column appears blank if their phone type is unknown.
  • Start Time (UTC Timestamp): The start Date and time of call, displayed in Unix Timestamp Converter (UTC) format.
  • Recording: A link to listen to the recording of your phone call, if available.
  • Corrected At: For non-phone call transactions, this is the date and time your call was corrected.
  • Call Record ID: Unique identifier for the call associated with the transaction. The Call Record ID associates all the transactions related to a call. You can use this field to trace one call across Bundled and Syndicated campaigns.
  • Transfer Type: The type of Invoca campaign that drove your phone call.
  • Notes: "Super" level users can enter and view text notes for any call or transaction, visible at their account level.
  • Verified Zip Code: If the call treatment for your Invoca campaign  includes a “Verify Zip Code” node, this column shows the ZIP code your caller entered.
  • End of Call Reason: The reason your phone call ended. For more information, see our article Understanding "End of Call Reason" in your Call Details report and dashboard tiles.
  • Destination Phone Number: The phone number of the destination phone number or call center fielding your phone call.


Interactive Voice Response (IVR) columns

These fields give you information about how your customer acted during the call treatment for your Invoca campaign.

  • Total Duration: The total length of your phone call, including both the time your caller spent in your IVR options and the time your caller was connected to an agent.
  • Connected Duration: The time your caller was connected to an agent, after their IVR duration.
  • IVR Duration: The time your caller spent in your IVR options, before being connected.
  • Keypresses: A full list of any keypresses your caller made in your IVR options.
  • Key 1-4: These columns show the actions your caller took in each of your four available keypress menus, if used. For example, Key 3 shows the key that was pressed in your third keypress menu; it does not indicate whether the “3” key was pressed.
  • Opt In SMS: Indicates whether the caller agreed to receive an SMS text message as part of your IVR options.


Signal Details columns

These columns group the data from all of your Signals for the given transaction together. This is different from the Signal columns in the Marketing Data column section, which report on each Signal in your Invoca account individually.

  • Signal Names: The name of each Signal that was marked as “true” for your transaction event. 
  • Signal Partner ID: A number assigned by Invoca for each Signal in your account. Useful for some integrations.
  • Signal Occurred At: A timestamp for when your Signal took place. This is especially helpful for auditing post-call Signals.
  • Signal Partner Name (Source): Indicates how Invoca determined whether each Signal in this transaction was received. Sources can include AI, Expression (for Rules-based Signals), File Upload, and User Override (for manual corrections).


Performance marketing columns

These fields are primarily useful for customers using Invoca for performance marketing campaigns. They appear in your Column Picker under the following sections: Advertiser Details, Advertiser Campaign Details, Publisher Details, and Payout Details.

Do your columns have different names than the ones listed?
The terms “Advertiser” and “Publisher” can be renamed in your Invoca account — and any corresponding columns in your Transactions Details report will be renamed accordingly. To learn more, see Other names for Advertisers and Publishers.


  • Advertiser ID: The Invoca account ID of the advertiser that drove the phone call associated with this transaction.
  • Advertiser: The name of the advertiser that drove your phone call.
  • Advertiser Campaign ID (Invoca ID): A unique ID number for the Invoca campaign your advertiser created that drove your phone call.
  • Advertiser Campaign ID: A unique ID number for the Invoca campaign that drove your call as it appears in your Invoca account, if different from above.
  • Advertiser Campaign: The name that your Advertiser assigned to the Invoca campaign that drove your phone call.
  • Advertiser Campaign Country: The country or region targeted by your Advertiser’s Invoca campaign.
  • Publisher ID: The Invoca account ID assigned to the publisher that drove the phone call associated with this transaction.
  • Publisher: The name of the publisher that drove your phone call.
  • Publisher Commissions Ranking: A ranking of this publisher's commissions compared to other publishers in your Invoca network. To learn more about rankings, see How to view performance ratings for Publishers in your network.
  • Publisher Volume Ranking: A ranking of this publisher’s total volume of calls compared to other publishers on your Invoca network.
  • Publisher Conversion Rate Ranking: A ranking of the percentage of calls that this Publisher drove that met your campaign’s payout criteria, compared to other publishers on your Invoca network.
  • Earned: The amount of money paid in by your Advertiser for this phone call.
  • Paid: The amount of money paid out to your Publisher for this phone call.
  • Advertiser Fees: Telecommunications fees claimed by your Advertiser for this transaction, if any.
  • Payout Conditions: Lists all conditions from your phone call required for your Publisher to receive a payout. Base conditions that were not met are highlighted red. If your call was driven by a Bundled campaigns, this column will simply read "Bundled".


Enhanced Caller Profile (ECP) columns

If your Invoca account captures caller information via Enhanced Caller Profiles (ECP), these columns show data from that feature. Check out our article Capturing personal and demographic data about your callers using Enhanced Caller Profiles to learn more about this data and how it's captured.

Legacy feature columns

If you have an older Invoca account and use legacy features such as RingPool parameters, Conversion Reporting, and a legacy version of the Invoca for Google Ads integration, you might see columns corresponding to these features in your Transactions Details report. This section will help explain the data in those columns — however, we strongly recommend that you work with our friendly Customer Success team to update your Invoca account to our most recent set of features at your earliest convenience. To start this process, click the Contact Support button at the bottom of this article to create a new support ticket.

  • Call Result: (Legacy version of Signals only) An indication of what happened on your phone call, for affiliate payout purposes. Call results you can see in this column include: Advertiser Promo Number, Affiliate Call, Advertiser Suspended, Repeat, Repeat Partial Payment, ClickToCall, Paid and Not Paid.
  • Matching Advertiser Payin Policies: (Legacy version of Signals only) Among the conditions your Advertiser set for your phone call to be eligible for a pay-in (Earned), this column lists the conditions your phone call achieved, if any. If more than one policy is listed, each policy is separated by a “+”. For example, "base+bonus1+bonus3". 
  • Matching Publisher Payout Policies: (Legacy version of Signals only) Among the conditions your Publisher set for your phone call to be eligible for a payout (Paid), this column lists the conditions your phone call achieved, if any. If more than one policy is listed, each policy is separated by a “+”. For example, "base+bonus2". 
  • Payin Conditions: (Legacy version of Signals only) Lists all conditions from you phone call required to earn a payin from your Advertiser. Base conditions that were not met are highlighted red. If your call was driven by a Bundled campaign, this column will simply read "Bundled".
  • Margin: (Legacy version of Signals only) The difference between the amount earned from your Advertiser and paid to your Publisher.
  • Fees: (Legacy version of Signals only) Telecommunications fee associated with transaction. Applied only when there is per-call or per-minute pricing.
  • Adwords Details columns: (Legacy Invoca for Google Ads integration only) This section lists information from your Google Ads account associated with your Invoca phone calls, including your Adwords Keywords ID, Adwords Keywords, Adwords Ad, Adwords Ad ID, Adwords Ad Group, Adwords Group ID, Adwords Campaign, Adwords Campaign ID, and Adwords Keyword Match Type.
  • Conversion Reporting Details — Customer information columns: (For Conversion Reporting only) These columns show the Email Address, Name, Address, City, State or Province, Zip Code, Country, Home Phone, and Cell Phone entered by your customer. 
  • Reason Code: (Conversion Reporting only) A status code reported from your call center to provide the disposition or wrap code of the call.
  • SKU List: (Conversion Reporting only) A list of SKUs sold in your phone call, as reported from your call center.
  • Quantity List: (Conversion Reporting only) The quantities of each order sold in your phone call, as reported from the call center. 
  • Revenue (Sale Amount): (Conversion Reporting only) The total amount of the order converted on your phone call (not including shipping), as reported from the call center.
  • Call Center Call Id: (Conversion Reporting only) A unique identifier assigned to your phone call by your call center.
  • Traffic Source: (RingPool Parameters only) The search engine or referring domain tied to your online referral.
  • Pool Param Name and Values columns: (RingPool Parameters only) Reports the name of each RingPool Parameter for the Invoca campaign that drove your phone call, along with the value captured by that parameter.
  • Search Type: (RingPool Parameters only) Reports which type of referral drove your caller to your landing page. Can include Paid (for paid search referrals), Organic (for non-paid search referrals), and non-search (for direct traffic, or traffic whose referral data is missing).
  • Pool Type: (RingPool Parameters only) The type of RingPool in your Inovca account that delivered your promo number to your caller. Can include "Search", "SearchKeyword", "Custom", or "Search+Custom".



Does my Transactions report always show the current data in each column for its associated call, or does it only show how that field changed in the given transaction?

In your report, columns for dynamic custom data fields — those used for online marketing data — always show the current value for that field in that call. All other custom data and Signal columns will only show how that field changed in that particular transaction row. If that value didn’t change, the column will be blank in your report.


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