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National Dog Day - Vanity Fur

Community Manager
Community Manager


August 26th is National Dog Day and Invoca is excited to release our 2nd annual VANITY FUR digital magazine!

In exchange for a photo of your precious pooch and a short bio (some of their favorite activities/foods/ways to be adorable), Invoca will donate $25 in your name to ASPCA, a non-profit that protects animals against violence and cruelty. You will also receive an Invoca Doggy Swag package in exchange for your contribution!

PLEASE REPLY to this thread with a picture and a short bio by Tuesday, Aug 23rd! We look forward to sharing on Invoca's social channels at the end of the month!

If you're looking to get inspired, check out 2021's VANITY FUR digital magazine with contributions from community users, @Regan_Sweeney@markdavidbecker@AnnArm@amandasloan@Bojibum, and @tPhillips!  

Vanity Fur '21 Edition 

Screen Shot 2022-08-01 at 11.25.25 AM.png


Contributor Level 1

This is Jolene aka "Joey" - she was abandoned at six months old at ACCT Philly, where we were lucky enough to find her! She is apparently a Pit-Bulldog-Boxer-Lab-Husky-Staffie-Sheepdog-Golden-Dalmation mix, or as our nephew likes to say, she is a dog-type-dog. Her favorite things are apples, hiking, checking out breweries, saying hi to strangers and catching some ZZZZs while I work. Her greatest fear is bugs that buzz too much, and her greatest strength is snuggling.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Belated National Dog Day 🐶🐕 and massive thank you to everyone who contributed to this conversation and shared your fur-tastic photos! As a dog aficionado, this was probably my favorite thread in this community. We have collected your entries into this year's edition of "Vanity Fur"

Check it out! It's adorable! 🐶