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Invoca Call Transfer and Signals

Contributor Level 1

When a call to a campaign is transferred to another system, can Invoca still report on the call’s status with a rule-based signal?

I’m new to Invoca and am looking at our reports. There is a column called “Signal Name”. Some calls have that “Signal” reporting as “Not Answered” (which I think is a custom signal created by someone in-house). However, when I go to our phone system, I can see the same call transferred in and it is answered.

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that when a call leaves a system it is released and no further status can be obtained. Does Invoca have the ability to link to other phone systems to continue with call routing status?

I’m trying to understand how a “Signal” can report on a call when the call has been transferred out.



Thank you for reaching out. (And welcome to Invoca!) You are correct in your assumption that "Answered by Agent" or "Not Answered by Agent" are names for signals that are commonly present in most Invoca platforms as part of the Missed Opportunity signal offering.  These signals use telephony cues to determine if a call was answered (two human voices are detected and had an exchange) or "not answered" (one or no human voices are detected).  Once Invoca has connected the call, we can only use audio cues for tracking. We're not involved programmatically with any transfers that happen afterward.  If your call flow typically includes a transfer, you may consider the following workaround: setting up an audio cue for an additional signal. For example, when an agent says, "I'm transferring you," our system can capture that cue and mark the call as a transfer. You could then run a report to isolate "Transferred Calls."  In your report, you would filter for the signal "Transferred Call" with an outcome of "yes."  Additionally, you could filter for two signals, "Transferred Call" with an outcome of "no" + "Not Answered" with an outcome of "yes."  This would give you a truer count of calls that went unanswered and were not transferred. Let us know if we can help you further. 

Contributor Level 1

Do you know of an option in this portal to get one on one training on signals?

We have quite a few resources on signals available in Community (where you are now) and Invoca Academy. Have you checked out our on-demand content? To access Invoca Academy, go to your Invoca platform and click on the ? icon in the top nav menu. Choose Learn & Engage. The top option in that menu is Invoca Academy.  You can type "Signals" in the top search and all related content will be available. You'll find videos, platform guides, and some longer recorded trainings. If you haven't reviewed that content, I'd recommend starting there. If you would still like additional training or have questions, reach out to your Customer Success Manager and we'd be happy to continue your training. On-demand training might get you what you need and you can learn on your own schedule. Signals are an important component of your Invoca partnership and we're here to ensure you get what you need! If you aren't sure how to reach your Customer Success Manager, email and they'll connect you with the right contact.