Hi Team - I am seeing issues with DNI not working the majority of the time when using the main domain and adding a gclid. I tested using Invoca.PNAPI.display(), which returns a success stat...
The Commodore Management by Optima Durant Group is receiving spam calls from the Realtor Source phone number. We changed the number yesterday however, the client is still experiencing spam calls.&nbs...
The new AI summary feature is very helpful. What would make it more helpful is if it could be exported along with the rest of the call data for review in a spreadsheet. Is there a way to do this now/...
Our landing pages have several phone numbers.
Where in the settings or documentation does it show what phone numbers are being swapped?
How much of the code around the numbers is being swapped.&n...
Hi I wanted to ask if Invoca was compatible with GA4. I wasn't able to find any documents online for configuration/set up with GA4. Please let me know how to set it up with GA4. Thanks
We recently implemented a weekly audit to review "discovered" destinations to determine whether they need to be promoted or ignored. Previously we promoted known numbers that we added to sites,...