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Question Variations

  1. Why do I get a 404 error for Invoca URLs when scanning links with SiteImprove?

Applies To

  • Siteimprove (other third-party link scanning tools)


If a URL is labeled "pnapi_integration-latest.min.js," it is not an active hyperlink to a website; it is actually an API call made by our Invoca Library and Invoca Tag during the process of swapping phone numbers. The link snippet above represents the API call to our server, which passes marketing data to our reports and provides a unique phone number to track the web user's session.

If the PNAPI link snippet is included, the third-party tool will likely return a 404.

Additional Information

This information is primarily relevant to the Invoca code and servers. It's important to note that this link is not visible to visitors and is not meant to be accessible. We would recommend that you exclude it from the scanning tool.

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