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Community Manager

Question Variations

  1. When will a call timeout?
  2. How long can an Invoca phone call last?

Applies To

  • Inbound Phone Calls to the Invoca Platform


All Inbound Phone Calls to the Invoca Platform will timeout after a three-hour period. This setting is applied to all Invoca accounts and is not adjustable.

  1. To determine the reason a call was disconnected, navigate to the 'Call Details' located in a 'Calls Report' and check the 'Call Info' tab. 
  2. In the 'End of Call Reason' field, you'll see whether the call ended because the caller hung up, the agent disconnected, or if the call reached its Invoca maximum time limit.

    Note: Keep in mind that phone carriers may also enforce shorter time limits, which will be reflected in the 'End of Call Reason' field as well.

During seasons like AEP or open enrollment periods, when you are anticipating calls that may go beyond 3 hours, connect with your account team to request a temporary update. This update will allow calls to extend up to 8 hours. If you do not have an account team, contact

Note: This feature is only available from Oct 1st - December 8th each year. 

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