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Community Manager
Community Manager

Question Variations

  1. Why are calls made to ringpools numbers being prompted when custom challenge settings is turned off?

Applies To

  • Out of session calls


Callers can sometimes encounter a challenge prompt when you call a ringpool number "out of session." "Out of session" means that a call occurred to a ringpool phone number that was not in an 'active session' where an 'active session' is the duration of time from when a ring-pool number is shown on the screen + the number of minutes a number is reserved for as selected in the ring pool setup.

This feature is designed to weed out spam/fraud callers making calls to numbers that aren't currently being presented on the website. If a legit user is in an active session and calls the number displayed on the webpage, they will not be presented with this challenge prompt

Additional Information

This out-of-session challenge feature can be turned off, but it could lead to more spam calls to your numbers. Your CSM can also review a spam report for your network if you wish to see how much spam is being blocked or getting through.

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