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Community Manager

Timesaver: Streamlined Number Management

Easier Number Management (1).png


You now have the ability to import, export, and edit the numbers you’d like Invoca to track. You can even exclude whole groups of numbers from tracking at the URL level. Prior to this feature being released, number management was often a manual process and for those of you with lots of destinations or numbers to manage it could be downright arduous. But no more! You can now:

  • Import Numbers in Bulk: Skip the number discovery process and import numbers with desired ringpool preferences. 
  • Export Numbers in Bulk: Export all active, discovered, and ignored numbers.
  • Edit Your Numbers: With your newly-exported numbers, you can now make the desired edits and then yep (you guessed it) re-import them.
  • Exclude Numbers at the URL level: Enter URLs in the platform for sites and/or pages that include numbers you don’t want to track through Invoca. 

All of these features make number management more streamlined, efficient and manageable across one or many locations and websites. Ready to learn more? This post has all the details to help you enable this feature.

You can see a demo in the video below:
