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Summer Release - Shared Dashboards - 1920x1080.png

 Dashboards are now easier to share and manage:

  • Streamlined Dashboards: Your dashboards are now simply "Private" and only visible to you or "Shared" with one or more people or groups. The concept of "Published dashboards" has been eliminated. Dashboard creators are the default owners but dashboard ownership can be easily updated.
  • Easier to Edit & Schedule: It now takes fewer clicks for dashboard owners to edit dashboards. All dashboards (not just Private) can now be scheduled for platform users and guests.
  • More Sharing Options: You can share your dashboard with everyone, by role group, or to an individual. Once they are shared you can still easily make changes to shared settings at any time.

Shared Dashboards FAQ

What happens to all of my current Published Dashboards?

All Published Dashboards today will be transitioned to shared with the same share settings as their published versions. No data change will happen during this transition. We are have identified who the likely owner of the shared dashboard should be but remember that dashboard ownership can be transferred by any super user in the platform at any time.

What is a Dashboard Owner?

The Dashboard Owner is the person who controls the set-up and maintenance of a dashboard. When creating a new dashboard, the person who creates it is the owner. The ownership of a shared dashboard can be transferred to any other network user with Super User level permissions.

What if the person who creates the dashboard shouldn’t be the owner?

There is an option in the upper right dropdown to transfer that ownership. Individuals listed have Super User permissions and can be made the new owner.

How can I set who should see the Dashboard?

In the upper right menu, there is an option to ‘Share’. The Dashboard Owner or appropriate roles can then select:

  • Only Me: They are the only ones who see the dashboard in their Managed Dashboard Page and the only ones who can make changes. 
  • Select Users: The owner can then select from the list of Invoca users or add guest recipients. This could be 1 person, 5 or many. They can also select specific user role groups, like Super, Manager, Observer, etc. 
  • Everyone: This would share the Dashboard with everyone in their network. 

The dashboard owner can change the shared settings at any time. If a dashboard was once shared to everyone and needs to be changed to a specific role group, they make that adjustment. 

What can each role do with Dashboards??

Everyone who can view a dashboard can:

  • Copy the link to send to other Invoca users
  • Schedule a dashboard PDF to be sent to themselves
  • Apply Global Filters to a dashboard, but not save them
  • Copy a dashboard

 Super Users, Managers, Members & Observers can also:

  • Super Users & Managers can schedule a dashboard to be sent as an PDF via email to others.

 Super Users:

  • Transfer Ownership of dashboard
  • Delete a Dashboard

The dashboard owner can:

  • Share a dashboard to individuals, user groups, or everyone, except for reporting users
  • Transfer ownership, except for reporting users
  • Add Dashboard Tiles
  • Save Global Filters
  • Delete Dashboard

Reporting & filtered reporting users cannot share dashboards to others.