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Community Manager








VWO is a comprehensive experimentation platform that gives its customers the ability to A/B test, personalize, and gather analytics on the entire digital journey. Invoca data is integrated with the VWO platform so you can include call behavior and outcomes in their A/B tests, personalization, and insights


  • Understand why customers leave digital and pick up the phone
  • Understand how calls are affecting conversion rate, both online and offline
  • Use Invoca data to segment, optimize and personalize digital experiences that drive better outcomesUnderstand why customers leave digital and pick up the

Use Cases:

  • Invoca data is tracked as “Events” which are web visitor activities (like when web visitors make calls and from devices, like web or mobile)
  • With Invoca data Website owners can run A/B tests to learn whether the presence of phone calls within the web session results in better or worse outcomes than the “control” that does not include a phone call
  • EXAMPLE: Run a test that tracks how many web visitors click to call on a mobile device and convert