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The Invoca for Pinterest integration offers a complete view of the inbound call activity driven by the customer’s  Pinterest marketing efforts.This is possible because of view-through attribution which credits conversions to ad views, even if the consumer doesn't interact with the ad. Here's how it works:

  1. While on Pinterest the consumer is exposed to ads
  2. The consumer remembers one of those ads and later (within the attribution window) visits that website directly and calls and converts
  3. Invoca tracks the call conversion and passes it to Pinterest who then attributes the conversion event to the view that drove it

The benefits of this integration includes the ability to:

  • Get a unified view of ad performance
  • Build more targeted audiences
  • Better optimize paid social efforts with the addition of call conversions

Ready to give it a try? Navigate to the "Manage Integrations" page from the Integrations section of the Invoca platform.