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Contents of this Article

General Overview

Invoca’s conversation review features enable you to gain in-depth insights from your phone calls in an efficient and streamlined manner. Whether you're looking to gain new marketing insights into your customers, or looking to improve the performance of sales agents in your organization, Invoca’s platform will allow you to find the most relevant details associated with your incoming data obtained from your calls quickly and easily. 

This article will explain how to:

  • Easily review lists of the most relevant calls in your Invoca account
  • Review your call recordings with readable transcripts and playback controls
  • Navigate directly to interesting parts of your conversations with Signal markers and text search


Don't have access to these call review tools?
This article discusses a few features — call recordings and transcripts — which aren't automatically enabled for every Invoca account. If your Invoca platform doesn't have these features yet but you'd like to use them, get in touch with your Invoca Customer Success Manager.


Create a list of calls to review

After logging in to Invoca as a user with "Observer" level permissions or higher, there's two different ways to build a list of calls to review.

From your Invoca Dashboard

If you've already built a dashboard tile that compiles the types of calls that you want to review, click the View Report button from the tile's Action dropdown menu. A playlist of the calls in that dashboard will appear.

From your Calls Report

You can also create a list of calls to review from your Invoca reports. In the gray menu ribbon, hover over Reports and click Calls Report. Then use our filters, signals, and custom columns to narrow down the exact criteria for the calls you’d like to review. Refer to our article Using your Invoca Reports if you'd like more details on sorting your calls.

Once you've built your fully filtered report, select the List View button next to your list of filters.

List View Menu.png

If you only want to review one call, you can also click the magnifying glass icon for that call in the Call Details column.


Using your conversation review tools

Here's a look at what your call review suite might look like with all your Conversation Review features enabled.

Review Phone Calls via Recordings.png

For the purpose of this article, we'll be discussing how to use all of the features in your Conversation Review toolkit. Keep in mind that things may look a little different if you don't have all of these features enabled. For example, if you have access to call recordings but no Signal AI, Voice Signal, or transcripts, you'll see an audio player,  but no visual timeline for your phone call or transcripts. 

At the top of your Call Details page, there is an audio player. Select Play to start listening to a recording of your phone call. You can speed up or slow down the playback of your call, as well as skip forward or backwards using the audio controls next to the play button.

To the right, you'll see a visual timeline of your phone call, with periods in which your customer is speaking marked in green, and periods in which your call agent is speaking marked in orange.

Visual Timeline of Phone Call.png

Below, in the large pane to the right, you'll be able to browse more detailed information about your call. Click the Call Info tab to view basic information about your phone call and the caller. You can select the Comments tab to leave and review comments on your call. 

The Scorecard tab enables you to see how this call ranks on any qualified scorecards, per your settings. In the left-hand menu, you'll see a full transcript of your phone call. This contains everything said by both your customer and sales agent during the course of the phone call, and each interaction is timestamped. 

Additionally, your transcript will automatically scroll through as you listen to your recording, and you can click play to listen from any section in the transcript as well. Like the visual timeline of the call, segments spoken by your caller and sales agent are color coded in your transcript.

Review Calls - Recordings 01.png

If you're looking for a specific word or phrase, you can also use the transcript search function. Keep in mind that these transcripts are powered by AI, and transcription errors are possible. So you may need to search for similar words, if you don't immediately locate what you're looking for.


Correcting Signal values in your phone calls

While reviewing your phone calls in the Analysis pane, you'll see a list of all Signal results for your phone call. The Signal value options are: True, False, or Not Applied. If you find that your Invoca account has applied one of these Signal values incorrectly to your phone call, you can use this page to edit that Signal value. This helps you correct your Invoca reports, better evaluate your Sales Agents on your Scorecards, and can even help improve the training of your Signal AI. For more information, see How to change your Signal results manually.

To edit the Signal values in the calls Analysis window, select the pencil icon.
Pencil Icon for Fly Out Menu.png

After completing this action above, the Signal value options will appear in the menu. Select the corresponding values per your desired updates, and then click Save.

Edit Signals Menu.png


Adding comments and tagging your team members

Not only can you use Invoca to review your phone calls, but you can also use your conversation review tools to put that information into action by adding comments to your calls. If you found a phone call or a time in your transcript that you want to call attention to, click the Comments tab to enter a comment. Then enter Post.

Comments Tagging your Team.png

Users above Reporting level can tag team members to send both an in-platform notification and an email for your comment, which helps you collaborate between sales agents and managers and learn from your best calls. You can also use emojis for a more interactive experience! 

Try using comments when:

  • Point out a teachable moment to a sales agent from one of their calls
  • Demonstrate an instance of a new trend in your calls to your whole team
  • Save an idea for future opportunities to follow up on later


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