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Community Manager


Customers prefer the option to swap specific numbers on the website rather than replacing all identified numbers.


1. Replace specific Phone numbers in the Tag Wizard UI
  • The list of Phone numbers and the desired campaign can be set in the Tag Wizard.
  • Vanity numbers can be added to swap.
  • This will be great when customers know all the numbers to replace.

2. numberSelector
If customers are uncertain about the complete list of all numbers to swap, using CSS selectors in the custom code, such as class names, IDs or attribute names can be a viable option. 

To implement it, please ensure that you have the correct CSS selectors for the numbers you wish to swap (this may require the review by technical resources on the customer's side) and add these selectors in the custom code as shown below:

  • Identify the CSS selector to utilize to detect the phone number to swap. In this example, we are targeting the class name "tel1".
  • Add the class name as a String type to the options.numberSelector in the custom code.
  • The Invoca Tag will only swap the numbers with the CSS selectors configured in the custom code.
  • Ensure no checkboxes are selected in the UI- Replace any detected or Replace Specific. 
    • If any checkboxes are selected, they will function in conjunction with the number selector.
    • If the number selector is not found on the page, it will detect numbers based on the selected checkboxes in the UI.
  • If there are specific numbers you wish to exclude from the swapping process, simply avoid including their corresponding selectors in the custom code. This way, the tag will not identify and replace those particular numbers.
  • Please reach out to your CSM to engage Invoca Technical Services in assisting with this solution.
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