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Community Manager
Community Manager

"Invoca gave us the opportunity to listen to 100% of calls, that was the opportunity that we were trying to solve for versus just having one to 2% scored. Secondly, it gives us the opportunity to see trends and allows us to see what some of our best agents are doing, and how we can spread that from our best agents to some that are having challenges or difficulties." - Lee Mathis, Kinetic by Windstream

Read the full Kinetic by Windstream case study here

Lee Mathis is a Technology Manager at Windstream Communications with over 25 years’ experience in using technology to gain the competitive advantage in sales, while supporting hundreds of sales professionals in their quest to master closing sales opportunities using a dynamic and proven sales process. Specializing in the development of future sales leaders, using innovative technology that that will give them the skills needed to generate record sales. He is on a quest to ensure that Windstream is the best communication company for industry leading sales professionals. Lee makes closing opportunities in a competitive high paced sales environment seem like a stroll through a Charlotte NC greenway in early Spring, brisk and cool.
