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Campaigns are the backbone of your Invoca account, but they're not always taking phone calls. To view — and with the right user role, change — the status of a campaign, log in to Invoca. Click on Campaigns in the sidebar menu, then select Manage/View Campaigns. Here you'll see a list of all your campaigns, with the status of each campaign visible in the Status column. 

Here's a list of these statuses, and what they all mean:

Live: This campaign is completely set up and is actively tracking and routing phone calls.
Pending: This campaign has been created and saved in your account but hasn't yet been set live.
Live (pending): This campaign is live, but has changes to its campaign terms scheduled to take place later.
Paused: This campaign will not receive calls — either temporarily to change terms and partners, or permanently. Callers to paused campaigns will hear a "Number not in service" prompt.
🔴 Suspended: The Advertiser connected to this campaign was temporarily suspended, which also halts all that Advertiser's campaigns. Calls to Suspended campaigns will not follow your call treatment — instead, these callers will hear a "Number not in service" prompt. Calls driven by in-network publishers to campaigns hosted by in-network, suspended advertisers will still show in reporting.
🔴 Archived: This campaign is permanently removed and will not accept or route phone calls. Only paused campaigns are available to be archived. Callers to an Archived campaign will hear a "Number not in service" prompt. You can still view past calls to your Archived campaigns in your Invoca reports.


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