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If you use Invoca for performance marketing, you likely work with a lot of Publishers, and it can be important to keep tabs on which ones are driving the most calls and conversions, or earning the most commissions. This is especially useful which publishers toinvite to your performance marketing campaign, or entrust with extra features. That's why Invoca includes total and relative performance rankings for your Publishers.

  1. Log in to Invoca. If you're a Network user, use the account switcher drop-down menu to choose an Advertiser account that works with the Publishers you want to evaluate.
  2. In the sidebar menu, click Campaigns, then select Manage Publisher campaigns.
  3. In your list of publishers, hover your mouse over the green  information icon in the Publisher column to see your publisher's performance summary.

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In this page, you'll see a series of bars graphics in the top-right corner of the Publisher's performance summary. Each bar graphic illustrates the publisher's relative ranking on that campaign.

The $ bar ranking represents commission earnings, the Volume ranking represents total call volume received, and the Conv % ranking represents conversion rate (paid calls divided by total calls). Bars are shaded based on the following:

  • 0 = no calls in last 30 days (or less than 10 calls for conversion rate ranking)
  • 1 = less than 40th percentile among Publishers on your campaign
  • 2 = 40-59th percentile
  • 3 = 60-79th percentile
  • 4 = 80-94th percentile 
  • 5 = 95th percentile or higher

Rankings are updated daily, and cover the last 30 days of activity. Publishers are marked as "new" until they have been approved in the network for at least 30 days and they have driven at least 100 calls. 

You can also view reporting data on your Publisher stats. See the performance marketing section of Basic Knowledge: Invoca reports for more information.

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