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Customers can post conversion call data back using ‘Upload Signal Records’ under Signals on the platform. However, there are two ways to automate this manual process.


1. SFTP for Signal File Upload or Lookup Table

SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) for Signal File Upload or Lookup table is a feature that enables customers to conveniently upload Signal Files or Lookup table files by placing them in a designated SFTP folder. This folder can be set up by either the customers themselves or by Invoca.

Once the file is dropped in the folder, Invoca's automated process retrieves and processes the Signal Upload every 6 hours.

This functionality proves invaluable to customers who wish to streamline the process of Signal/Lookup table File Uploads, eliminating the need for manual uploads through the UI. In addition, it offers a viable alternative for customers who lack access to their own SFTP capabilities.

  • SFTP server information - Not required if customers would like Invoca to host.
  • Platform superuser name and email
  • (For Signal File Upload) transaction_id, call_record_id or call_start_time to fine the call associated with the data.
  • (For Signal File Upload) Data Mapping fields - Signals or Marketing Data Fields.
  • (For Lookup Table) Primary key(required) and secondary key(optional).
  • (For Lookup Table) Marketing data fields to apply data.

2. Signal API

The Signal API serves the purpose of applying Signals and/or Custom Data Fields to specific calls (transactions) retrospectively, using references such as Call Record ID, Transaction ID, or Call Start Time. This functionality proves particularly useful when specific data needs to be applied from external systems that may not be available during the actual call.

Signals encompass boolean values, such as sale, quote, and more, while Custom Data Fields can accommodate any alpha-numeric values, such as account type, customer quality score, and similar information. It is important to note that a maximum of 100 API requests can be sent within a 60-second timeframe.

When it comes to applying Custom Data values to a call based on your Custom Data configuration, it is essential that the Custom Data Fields provided in a request already exist in your Marketing Data Dictionary. While the field of a signal can be created, the availability of Custom Data Fields relies on their prior existence in the Marketing Data Dictionary.

Additional Information

Things To Know For Setup SFTP for Signal File Upload or Lookup Table
  • The User
    • The User provided for the automated SFTP signal file must be a permanent user in the customer's platform, created specifically for this process.
    • When a non-dedicated user gets deleted, it causes the customer's configuration to become invalid and breaks the task that picks up and processes their files. Files will not be processed until a new valid user is provided. The historical records of uploads will be lost. 
    • The user/email setup for this will receive emails about process failures, so it is important that the email is monitored by more than one person.
  • File Scanning Frequency
    • Invoca scans the files every 6 hours - 6 am, noon, 6 pm, midnight PST.
    • It is not available to scan files more frequently. If there is a file at the time Invoca scans, picks it up, and processes it.
    • The time zone for uploads is also not adjustable – must be Pacific Time.
    • If more than one file is there, Invoca will process any that have been modified or uploaded since the last run. 
  • SFTP setup
    • SFTP servers can be hosted by customers or Invoca.
    • An SSH key for authentication is not supported.
  • File name and format
    • The name should NOT contain "." and the type must be CSV, XLSX, or XLS (no TXT).
    • The size limits to 5MB, the same as the Signal File Upload in the platform.
  • Data Mapping
    • The name of Signals is case-sensitive when applying the revenue.

API, SFTP, and Manual File Upload - Pros and Cons
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