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  • Invoca admin page displays an invalid field error
  • Lead creation functionality breaks (dependent on if error is relevant to the Lead object and if lead creation functionality is enabled)

Applies To

  • Salesforce


Option 1: Determine and remove the mapping fields for all scenarios where the admin page throws an error.
  1. The Salesforce System Admin can run this query utilizing a data loader tool or the Developer Console within the customers Salesforce environment
    • SELECT Id, INVOCA_FOR_SF__API_Field_Label__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__API_Field_Name__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Configurable__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Data_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Default_Value__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Field_Label__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Field_Name__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Mapping_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Object_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Required_Field__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Target_Object_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Update_Flag__c FROM INVOCA_FOR_SF__Invoca_Conversion_Mapping__c
  2. Now that you know the fields that are still associated with the Invoca package, delete the fields to remove the dependencies to the removed functionality.
  3. Navigate to the Invoca Admin screen to ensure it loads successfully. 
  4. Make a test call to ensure the Invoca Managed Package functionality is working as expected. 
Option 2: Determine and remove specific fields for a third party managed package where the admin page throws an error.
  1. The Salesforce System Admin can run this query utilizing a data loader tool or the Developer Console within the customers Salesforce environment. Prior to running the example query below, replace the segment highlighted in red with the relevant package namespace. In this query example "pi__" is the namespace for Pardot.
    • SELECT Id, INVOCA_FOR_SF__API_Field_Label__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__API_Field_Name__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Configurable__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Data_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Default_Value__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Field_Label__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Field_Name__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Mapping_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Object_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Required_Field__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Target_Object_Type__c, INVOCA_FOR_SF__Update_Flag__c FROM INVOCA_FOR_SF__Invoca_Conversion_Mapping__c WHERE INVOCA_FOR_SF__Field_Name__c LIKE 'pi__%'​​​​​​​
  2. Now that you know the fields that are still associated with the Invoca package, delete the fields to remove the dependencies to the removed functionality.
  3. Navigate to the Invoca Admin screen to ensure it loads successfully. 
  4. Make a test call to ensure the Invoca Managed Package functionality is working as expected. 



An Invalid Field error is caused when a Salesforce field associated with the Invoca managed Package has been deprecated from Salesforce but is still referenced within the Managed Package components. This can be caused by many different scenarios including the following: 
  • Third party package was deprecated but references of the removed package items remain associated with Invoca Managed Package objects.
  • Field utilized on Invoca Admin page for lead creation functionality is not disabled prior to field deprecation.
  • Field utilized on Invoca Admin page for mapping functionality is not disabled prior to field deprecation.
    • Custom mapping to the field on the object
    • Conversion mapping of the field to Invoca
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