Agent Voice ID is showing many blank or incorrect names associated with calls.
Applies To
Agent Voice ID
Note: Customer Admin contacts for Validsoft should be the primary point of contact for cases like this. If the case contact it not the Validsoft admin, defer them to the customer Admin who is setup in Validsoft to manage the agent enrollments
- Check in the Agent Voice ID portal “dashboard” tab that 90-100% of agents are successfully enrolled as required. Enrolled means that the user has successfully completed the enrollment process.
- Validsoft Portal Link:
- Login
- Click on the Dashboard on the left-hand side. The first chart will show the percentage of enrolled
- If less than 90%, have the remaining agents complete the enrollment process (100% is preferred)
- Proceed to Step 2

- Confirm there are no other non-enrolled agents to be scored that should get enrolled.
- If Yes, get to 90%+ enrollment
- If NO, proceed to step 3
- Confirm there are no NON-agents answering calls
- If Yes, review the Signal that triggers calls to be sent to Validsoft. Work with CSM/Customer to update the Signal to avoid sending these calls.
- To view Signals set, go to Go into Invoca Network
- Click on integrations
- Click into Agent Voice ID Integration
- Click Edit on the 3 dots to the right of the Action to view the Triggered By signals

- Navigate to Signals on the left-hand side of the Invoca UI to find the signal identified above
- Review the rule for firing the Signal to help identify if there is a way to update this to avoid sending calls answered by Non-agents
- Verify if problem calls are being transferred from one agent to another. By default, we name the first agent on the call.
- If no, proceed to Step 5
- If yes, you can request with Support to change the configuration to name the last transferred agent answering customer calls. This change impacts ALL tenant calls.
- To change this, submit an Invoca Support Case
- Have calls been audited before?
- If not, conduct a 100-call audit
- Once complete, Share results with Invoca Support to “calibrate” the Voice ID.
- Less than 90% of agents are successfully enrolled as required.
- There are other Non-enrolled agents answering calls
- Calls are being transferred