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Community Manager

Question Variations

  1. What is the reason behind duplicate transaction IDs occurring for the same call?
  2. How do duplicate transaction IDs happen for the same call?
  3. Can you explain why there are duplicate transaction IDs for the same call?
  4. What causes duplicate transaction IDs to occur for the same call?
  5. What factors contribute to duplicate transaction IDs for the same call?
  6. In what circumstances do duplicate transaction IDs occur for the same call?
  7. What are the possible explanations for duplicate transaction IDs appearing for the same call?
  8. Are there any known issues or glitches that lead to duplicate transaction IDs for the same call?
  9. Can you shed light on the occurrence of duplicate transaction IDs for the same call?
  10. Are there any specific scenarios in which duplicate transaction IDs occur for the same call?


Applies To

  • Transactions API



Corrections to a transaction can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common include: 

  • Additional data being appended to a completed call or updated Signal values
  • Notes being added to a call transaction
  • Changes to pay-in or payout amounts for affiliate-driven calls


Additional Information

How to access Invoca call data programmatically (via Transactions API)

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