on 09-09-2024 08:05 AM
Invoca must receive a response within 2 seconds for the data to populate.
You can view more information in Invoca's Real-time Webhook documentation (https:/community.invoca.com/t5/webhooks/using-real-time-routing-webhooks-to-include-invoca-data-with/ta-p/522__;!!IIU9BLNPZ2ob!Iuj9fShwHSBLJODCaoU2jYi0MsEM-iWqmrRSZKanwpOI_2jHrF2mskXHocnP8P5n2t9ApK79Hg8Htscb$)
You can review responses from the real-time webhook within the Invoca call report by clicking on call info and then scrolling down to call activity.