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Community Manager

Question Variations

  1. What are the potential reasons for Google Click IDs to be duplicated?
  2. Why do Google Click IDs sometimes appear duplicated?

Applies To

  • Reporting
  • Google Ads


A gclid can be associated with different callers if the number that User A was presented is now presented to User B, and User A calls while User B is in session. User A will have User B's marketing data attribution, such as the gclid.

How could this happen? There are many ways multiple callers could use the same session/have the same Invoca ID or marketing attribution, but here are a few ideas:

  • Person A called the number, then gave that same number to person B, who called a later.
  • Both callers could be using a shared public computer. Person A writes down the source number to call later. Person B then uses the shared computer and calls the source number right away. Person A also happens to call that number after Person B calls.
  • The Invoca tag defaults to a 30-day attribution window if the same user returns to the website and their previous session is still active. At this point, they are presented with a new promotional number due to the nature of our number rotation system, which if using the default settings changes every 5 minutes. The user dials this new number, and their original marketing data tied to the first visit will persist
  • Concurrently, during this process, legitimate and fraudulent callers may be directed at the same promotional number within the active session. Some of these callers can use the same gclid the initial user held for 30 days.

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