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What do Microsoft (Bing) Ads error codes mean?

Applies To

Error codes for failed data deliveries.

Additional Information

1. {:error=>"Invoca can only support 'Personal account' authentication. Please visit the following link for more information on how to resolve this issue:}

 a The authenticating user needs to use a personal account such as to set up the Microsoft integration.


2. {:error=>"The date and time for the click ID is outside the conversion window for this goal."}

 a. Indicates a conversion that was delivered outside of the conversion time window. Expand the time window in the integration's configuration. There are often some percentage of these


3. {:error=>"Authentication issues encountered. Access has either expired or been revoked.Please refresh the integration access by re-authorizing."}

 a. Create a new Oauth token in the Integrations => Manage Credentials => New Credential


4. {:error=>"Unknown error occurred while performing operation: apply_offline_conversion: {:code=>\"124\", :detail=>nil, :error_code=>\"PersonalIdentityMigratedToWork\", :message=>\"You can no longer use this personal Microsoft account to access Bing Ads. Please sign in using your work account instead.\"}"}

 a. See #1.


5. {:error=>"Authentication failed. Either supplied credentials are invalid or the account is inactive."}

 a. Ensure the integrating email was a personal account, that it is an active account, and that password credentials weren't changed. If they were, reauthorize account with a personal email, ideally one shared across all instances of the integration.


Ideally, all accounts should be integrated with either a single common email for all integration instances, or else this will lead to a slew of different error emails due to the high number of emails associated with accounts.


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