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Question Variations

  • What is the max limit on the amount of data fields that can be sent in an Adobe Analytics Classifications data delivery?
  • Will sending more than 30 data fields in and Adobe Analytics Classifications data delivery cause it to error?

Applies To

  • Customers who are using the Invoca Adobe Analytics Integration.
  • Customers who would like Marketing Data sent to Adobe Analytics.


Adobe Analytics documentation recommends, "that you limit the number of import and export columns to 30." The rationale behind this recommendation is that the Adobe UI can only display up to 30 Classifications for each eVar. The limitation lies in the UI's capacity to present information rather than its ability to intake data into the system.

Invoca has the ability to send more than 30 Data Fields in a single data delivery, but it is not recommended.

Additional Information

Invoca recommends reducing the number of Data Fields to less than 30 as it is beneficial to transmit data that Invoca can capture but is not already accessible in Adobe.
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