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Community Manager
Community Manager

Question Variations

  • Is it Best Practice for a Call Treatment to Route a Call to a Separate System and Then Back to an Invoca Campaign?
  • Can an Invoca call that was Routed Away from Invoca be Routed back to Invoca?
  • Should Calls that are Routed to Invoca from a Separate System not Originate from an Invoca Number?

Applies To

Customers who are utilizing Invoca Call Treatments along with separate call treatments.


Invoca recommends that customers avoid routing back to an Invoca campaign from their own call treatment if the call was originally routed from Invoca. This setup would make if very difficult for us to be able to identify issues and provide support on them. There is potential for calls to route incorrectly for multiple weeks while our internal processes troubleshot.

It is also likely that customers would get double-billed on these calls.
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