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On Monday, February 14, 2022, you will notice a new global UI navigation and new Integration Library (as well as a few exciting new integrations!). There is nothing you need to do to see and take advantage of these updates. The enhancements are detailed below and please keep an eye out for walkthrough guides on the platform so that you won’t miss a beat on launch day. 

To get a deeper dive into the Winter Release features, please join us for the “What’s New in ‘22” Winter Release webinar. Grab your spot here!

In the meantime, these are the new enhancements you’ll see on 2/14/22:

New Navigation

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The navigation has been updated and refreshed and now allows you to complete common tasks like accessing your settings and switching between accounts more quickly and in fewer clicks.

Rest assured the contents of the navigation remain the same and no features or actions have been removed. The navigation updates include the following:


  • The main navigation has moved to the left side of your screen, which improves screen real estate and the overall design.
  • Additional work was completed that now makes the UI more equitable and accessible for all users. 
  • A new Global Settings menu gives you access to all available settings through a single menu. 
  • The Settings gear icon is now available on the bottom left corner of the screen. 
  • The Account Switcher tool makes it easy to switch between profiles and networks, as well as orient yourself within the platform. 

New Integrations Library

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Major integrations like Google Analytics, Search Ads 360, Facebook Conversions API, and Google Campaign Manager have been re-architected into a new, “no-code” format that will allow you to activate your Invoca conversation intelligence data more quickly and without the need for code and development time. This will also allow Invoca to launch additional integrations more quickly so stay tuned for increased integrations velocity in 2022! All data and setups from existing no-code integrations have been seamlessly incorporated into this new environment. The integrations enhancements include:

  • A new Integrations Library that will house all of your integrations with new, more visual tiles replacing the integrations list.
  • Over a dozen integrations have been updated to the “no-code” format, meaning they are easier than ever to activate without code or development time.
  • New labels on each integration tile denote which integrations are live, which are available to activate, and which are available to add to your account.
  • The ability to curate a list of your most-used integrations with the new “Favorite Actions” feature.
  • A new “Custom Webhooks” tile that includes all of your existing custom integrations. 
  • A new Slack integration that allows you to set up alerts from any Invoca Signal and send them to a Slack individual or channel. 


We are excited to announce our Winter Release enhancements and hope you enjoy them. Remember that if you have questions or issues you can create a Support Ticket through the Invoca Knowledge Base and our Support team will escalate the issue to the Engineering team for immediate review. 


Thank you for using the Invoca platform!