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Columns defined below that contain the words Advertiser or Publishermay be known by other namesIf you don't see one of these columns on your Call Details report, check out our article Using your Invoca reports to learn more about filtering and changing column views in your reports.

The following columns are available in the Call Details report:

**Destination Phone Number: The call center phone number where the call was transferred. Destination Phone Numbers are established in the campaign wizard: Call Treatment step. This column is useful if a Call Treatment IVR transfers to multiple destinations.


**Payin Conditions: Advertiser pay in condition results. Base condition that were not met are highlighted red. Bundle transactions display as "Bundled".


**Payout Conditions: Advertiser pay in condition results. Base condition that were not met are highlighted red. Bundle transactions display as "Bundled".


**Call Result: For affiliate marketers, this column details a status of how your phone call was delivered and paid out. Results relating to a completed or failed payout include: Advertiser Promo Number, Advertiser Suspended, Repeat, Repeat Partial Payment, Paid and Not Paid. Calls made using the Invoca campaign test feature are marked as Test. Some Invoca accounts using legacy features may also have calls marked Affiliate Call (Publisher Call), or ClickToCall.


Call Start Time: Start date and time of call, displayed in the user's designated time zone.


Call Record ID: A unique ID representing a call reported in the platform. Each call has a single Call Record ID.


Source: Details how the phone call arrived in your Invoca account. If it came from a customer dialing a promo number, this column will show that promo number. Otherwise, a call received through a Bundled promotion will show as “Bundled”, or a legacy call received through a Call Promotion will show as “Call Promo: <Name of Call Promotion>”.


Promo Number Description: If available, the Promo number description, the Bundled Campaign Name, or the Call Promo Name.


Original Publisher: Publisher where the call originated. This column will be null for calls made to Advertiser Direct campaigns.


Original Publisher ID (From Network): A platform generated Publisher ID or the ID associated to the publisher on another, integrated platform. This column will be null for calls made to Advertiser Direct campaigns.


Call Segment Path: A list showing all segments of a call. Each segment is separated using the symbol "". Segments can include: Publisher Call Promo, Bundled Campaign or Destination Campaign.


Final campaign: The campaign where the call was ultimately routed. The Advertiser name is listed (if available) followed by a colon and the Campaign Name.


Total KeyPresses: List of all keys pressed during the call. Keypresses made during each call segment are separated using the symbol "".


Total Duration: Duration of the call. Includes any time spent in an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) tree before transferring to the call center.


Total Connected Duration: The elapsed time of a call from the moment call is transferred out of Invoca's IVR to the destination phone number. This does not exclude any time the customer spends in any IVR your organization has set up separate from Invoca's IVR.


Total IVR Duration: Call time spent in the IVR.


Transactions: Number of transactions included in the call. Includes call and reported conversion transactions.


Earned: For Network users, the total amount paid out by the advertiser and earned by the Network.


Payout: When impersonating an Advertiser user, the total amount paid by the Advertiser


Paid: For Network users, the total amount paid to the publisher.


Earnings: When impersonating a Publisher user, the total amount earned by the publisher.


Margin: Difference between Earned and Paid amount.


Fees: Telecommunications fee associated with transaction. Applied only when there is per-call or per-minute pricing.


Advertiser Fees: Advertiser Telecommunications fee associated with transaction. Advertiser fees are set in the Advertiser Account.


City: City where the call originated. This is based on caller ID unless the verify region condition is used in the IVR, in which case the verified city is reported.


Region: State, province or country where the call originated. This is based on caller ID unless the verify region condition is used in the IVR, in which case the verified state is reported.


Repeat Caller: Repeat caller condition. Values include, Yes, No, No: Unavailable (caller ID not available), No: Shared (call received from known shared number).


Caller ID: Caller ID associated with call. This is the caller's ANI.


Media Type: Details the type of media that drove your phone call. Common results are "Pooling" for calls driven through a RingPool on a landing page, "Google Call Extension", and "Offline: Search".


Phone Type: Type of phone, including: "Landline", "Mobile" or blank if type is unknown.


Call Start Time (UTC Timestamp): Start Date and time of call, displayed in UTC timestamp format.


Recording: Call recording. Only available when calls are set to record in Call Treatment.


*Please note that calls prior to April 30, 2015 report incomplete data in these columns and should not be compared with call data after April 30, 2015.  To compare information between these periods use the Transaction Details Report.


**Please note that calls prior to January 1, 2016 report incomplete data in these columns and should not be compared with call data after January 1, 2016.  To compare information between these periods use the Transaction Details Report.

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