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You'd like Adobe to receive call records from Invoca, but you do not want page view numbers to be inflated in your Adobe Analytics reporting.

Applies To

Customers setting up an Adobe Analytics Integration who are concerned about inflated page view numbers from Invoca calls hitting the Data Insertion API as page views.


  1. Set up a Pre-Transfer Webhook in Invoca to report calls to Adobe Analytics as instructed in Section 2 of the Adobe Analytics Integration Documentation.
  2. Remove the row for <pageName>.
  3. Add two more rows within the request body, one for <linkName>, and one for <linkType>.
  4. Give <linkType> a value of "o", and <linkName> a value of what you'd like the custom link event to be called. Your webhook should look something like this:

Screenshot 2023-06-14 at 1.15.48 PM.png

Additional Information

  • You can choose to either leave in the row for <pageName>, or choose to omit it. if both <pageName> and <linkType> are included in the webhook the Adobe Data Insertion API will clear out <pageName> and set them as null, so in most cases it is unnecessary to keep <pageName> in the webhook.
  • The <linkType> value of "o" is what defines it as a custom link. Other possible values are "d" for a download link, or "e" for an exit link.
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