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Community Manager


Pull an Invoca report, that accurately reflects eligible calls sent over to Google Campaign Manager.

Applies To

  • Campaign Manager
  • Invoca Call Report


  1. First, pull a call and/or transactions report in Invoca over the specified period of time
  2. Filter down to Pooling Calls only
  3. Filter down further to only Pooling Calls with a “gclid” or “dclid”
  4. Remove any calls that have duplicate gclids or dclid, or calls that were marked as a Repeat Caller
  5. Calls with either a gclid or dclid are sent to the Campaign Manager. 
    1. Further, filter the report based on the Campaign Manager instance’s fire conditions. Some cases are set to fire on “All Calls,” and others are set to fire on paid calls, transactions, or only on signals.
      1. If set to fire on “signals, “ only calls with a signal met along with a gclid or dclid are firing.
      2. If the instance is set to fire on “All Calls,” this means all calls with a gclid or dclid are being sent.

Additional Information

Campaign Manager Documentation

It’s important to make sure you are looking at Invoca transactions that successfully captured either a gclid or the encrypted user ID. If we did not capture either value, then Campaign Manager would not be able to attribute that call or Signal to an ad interaction. 

Further, since Campaign Manager requires that only one of encrypted user ID or gclid is sent in the request, you’ll need to make sure you did not capture both values for the transaction. Our custom code you added to the Invoca Tag should take care of this, but if you see a value for gclid and a value for the encrypted user ID in Invoca reports for the same transaction, then you’ll want to troubleshoot and make sure you are only capturing one of the two values for each call.

Last but not least, it’s important to note that, just because we captured an encrypted user ID does not mean that there was an ad interaction within the attribution window set for your floodlight activity. Also, with ad views in Safari in particular, it is likely that we captured an encrypted user ID, but Campaign Manager could not tie the visitor to the previous ad view due to Safari ITP. 

It might be helpful to run a report in Campaign Manager that includes unattributed conversions and compare the total conversion counts to what is reported in Invoca. 

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