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To determine if your marketing data or call conversions being stored in a third party system can be successfully uploaded to your Invoca Calls/Transactions Reports.

Applies To

  • Customers who have data not captured in Invoca in a third party system.
  • Customers who would like to attribute third party data to calls in Invoca reporting.
  • Customers wanting to use the Invoca file upload feature.


  1. Confirm that the data you'd like to upload is about only calls driven by Invoca.
  2. Ensure that you can export your data into a CSV or Excel file (If you need help exporting this data, please refer to your third-party system’s documentation).
  3. Make sure that the data you you want to upload can be matched to individual calls. Invoca Calls and Transactions Reports show records of individual calls and their related data, so if the data you wish to upload is aggregated at the marketing campaign level, it will be difficult to upload it to individual call records.
  4. Ensure that you can include one of Invoca's accepted unique identifiers with the data to match with the call record in Invoca. 
    • transaction_id: The ID of the transaction (call leg) being reported on.
    • call_record_id: The ID of the complete call being reported on.
    • call_start_time: The start time does not have to be exact since clocks will not be perfectly synchronized. We will pair this record with the closest match in your Invoca account. For improved matching precision, it is recommended to pair this column with a column for calling_phone_number or duration_in_seconds.
  5. If none of these fields are available to include with your data, you may want to discuss with your account rep options for getting that data into your third party system to map to call records.

Additional Information

Invoca has many productized integration solutions, so speak with your account rep to see if one exists with your third party system first.
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