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Learning how to compare data from Google Ads to Invoca reports.

Applies To

-Google Ads

-Invoca Reporting


Step 1: Create your reporting filters

  1. Make sure you are in the grid mode by selecting the grid (waffle) icon under the word "Calls" in the upper left corner.
  2. Click on the green date selector box and choose "Last 30 days + today" from the preformatted column on the left. Click Update.
  3. Add a filter by clicking the blue box with a plus sign, select "Marketing Medium," and choose "paid search." Apply.
  4. Add another filter by clicking the next blue box, select "Marketing Source," and choose "google" and "" Apply.
  5. In the Media Type column, click on the column header and select "pooling" from the menu. This indicates that the calls came through your website. Scroll to the Google Click ID column and sort it in descending order to prioritize calls with reported gclids.

Additional Information

Understanding Your Integration Conversion Call Volume

Important Considerations & Tips

Additional calls that may show in Invoca and not in

Google Ads:

Repeat Callers:

Filter the Repeat Caller column to "No" to exclude subsequent calls by the same caller if you have set up your Google Ads integration to send only one conversion per window.

Calls with an expired gclid:

If a caller clicks on an ad and makes a call outside the defined conversion window, it won't be accepted by Google Ads but will still be reported in Invoca.

Signals scored as "False":

Invoca passes only calls evaluated as "True." Filter the list to determine how many paid search calls report a True outcome when passing signal conversions to Google Ads.

It can take Google Ads up to 3 hours to process the conversion after it’s received — and if an error occurs in the process, it can take even longer.

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