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Community Manager


To add Invoca custom fields within a Invoca call log.

Applies To

  • Salesforce


You will need to follow the instructions below to add the additional fields to Salesforce.

  1. You can adjust the layout of the Invoca Call Log to choose which fields to display. We only show a subset of fields in the default layout to avoid overwhelming users.
  2.  First, you will need to find the Marketing Data slot ID, which is visible on the Marketing Data dictionary page in Invoca. Ensure all columns in the table are displayed.
  3.  Then you’ll need to edit the object layout in Salesforce and add in the fields where you want to see them. This is where that slot ID comes in. The name/value of the param will be something like customer_string_name_1 and customer_string_value_1, where 1 designates the slot ID. Instructions on how to edit the object layout are in our documentation in Community, but it’s a pretty standard Salesforce process

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