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Community Manager
Community Manager


  • Destinations is configured to send calls to multiple campaigns

Applies To

  1. Networks using Destinations
  2. Networks with multiple campaigns
  3. Networks with more than one campaign per tag


  1. Navigate to each campaign to use Destinations
    1. Click Destinations Tab
    2. Click Settings
    3. Configure as needed
    4. Click 'Create'
  2. Identify a default campaign
    1. Should be the campaign with the most destination numbers
  3. Set that campaign as default in tag
  4. Identify destination numbers that route to other campaigns
  5. Add those numbers to Replace Specific Numbers UI
    1. Associate with appropriate campaigns
  6. Save tag as draft
    1. Place test calls to confirm correct routing

Additional Information

  • Discovery will only go to default campaign
  • Replace Specific Numbers UI can become unwieldy with many numbers
  • Changing Destinations Settings does not change existing ringpools. 
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