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Obtain static data attribution from a virtual marketing effort (Text, Email). 

Applies To

  • Profile
  • Campaign
  • Static Promo Number
  • Applied Marketing Data


  1. To acquire static data attribution for virtual marketing efforts an Invoca Direct Promo Number must be utilized.
  2. Navigate to the Profile which hosts the campaign the number will be created under.
    • You can apply static attribution at the Profile, if the attribution is relevant to all campaigns and numbers within the Profile by selecting Apply Marketing Data at the profile level. 
  3. Navigate to the Campaign which the promo number will be created within.
    • You can apply static attribution to the Campaign, if the attribution is relevant to all numbers within the Campaign by selecting Apply Marketing Data at the campaign level. 
  4. Navigate to the Direct Promo Numbers tab within the campaign.
  5. Select +New Promo Number to create the promo number that will be displayed on the marketing effort
    • To add marketing data attribution directly to the promo number:
      • Select Apply Marketing Data
      • Add all custom data fields and the values that should be associated with this phone number
  6. Utilize this new promo number within your marketing efforts so the applied marketing data attribution will be associated with any calls derived from the use of this number.
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