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Five9 is a leading provider of cloud contact center software, helping organizations of every size create powerful customer connections. Five9 offers a number of powerful solutions, but two in particular play a primary role in the integrations with Invoca:


  1. Inbound Call Center software powered by the Five9 Virtual Call Center (VCC) admin, which offers advanced routing capabilities and delivers customer information to help the agent personalize the call.
  2. Five9 Intelligent Virtual Agent (IVA). Through AI, IVA automates routine and repetitive tasks with a virtual agent, so your live agents can focus on higher value work.


Using these Five9 solutions alongside Invoca helps you connect your contact center to the wealth of data and insights collected by Invoca. Here are three benefits you can get from connecting our two solutions:


  • Intelligent Routing (PreSense): Use pre-call digital intent data to route every phone call in the ideal way, by the ideal agent.
  • Real-time context (PreSense): Share Invoca pre-call data with live agents to provide details about what led the customer to call, arming your agents to exceed customer expectations.
  • Sharing agent, call, and disposition information from Five9 back to Invoca: Invoca can then connect dispositions to the clicks that drove them for optimization and provide insights into both marketing and agent performance using Invoca’s dashboards and reports.


You can choose to set up any of these use cases — or even all three — depending on your Invoca account package and business objectives. These first two connect to our Invoca PreSense offerings, so we've split up these integration articles.

Before you get started, take a moment to figure out which piece or pieces of the Invoca for Five9 integration are right for your organization. If you're not sure, get in touch with your Invoca Customer Success Manager or Account Manager to discuss the requirements and benefits.

Developer expertise required:
Unlike a lot of other Invoca integrations which can be set up with a simple no-code process, sending Invoca data to Five9 (the PreSense use cases detailed above) requires some developer resources. If you're not sure if your team has this capability or you want help estimating the workload required, talk to your Invoca Customer Success Manager and set up a consultation with our friendly Technical Support team.

How Does it Work?

Obsessed with the details and the nitty-gritty? Let's look at the whole process of a phone call from beginning to end if you implement all three parts of your Invoca for Five9 integration.

  1. Whenever a visitor lands on your website, Invoca captures information from their digital session — such as the landing page, calling page, or the marketing source in the query string. 
  2. When that visitor places a call, Invoca tracks the call and transfers it to a Five9 phone number.
  3. When Five9 receives the call, it checks your Five9 IVR Script, which includes a query to Invoca. Five9 sends Invoca some identifying details: the caller's phone number and the Five9 phone number to which Invoca transferred the call. Invoca then returns the information captured from your caller's browser session.
  4. From there, you can use Invoca pre-call data to inform the Five9 routing rules in your IVR Script. For example: If Invoca detects that your customer added a product to their shopping cart prior to placing a call, you can have Five9 send that call to a high-intent sales team.
  5. The Five9 IVR Script can also take the pre-call data returned by Invoca and map it to variables on your Five9 Contact record.
  6. Your agents will be able to reference the mapped variables when answering a call and use it to help drive the conversation.
  7. After your agent ends the call and marks a disposition, Five9 sends call and disposition information to Invoca. To match this data to a call in Invoca, Invoca uses the Caller ID alongside the call start time or the transaction ID, if available. Once this information is back in Invoca and tied to the call, you can view this information in your Invoca dashboards and reports to understand marketing or agent performance, or even share this information with other systems, such as Google Ads, Meta, or Salesforce!


This is the first article in a series teaching you everything you need to set up, support, and succeed with the Invoca for Five9 integration.

  1. Integration Overview (You are here)
  2. Invoca for Five9: Sending Invoca data to Five9 (PreSense) 
  3. Invoca for Five9: Sending Five9 data to Invoca (Reporting) 
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