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  • You are using the "Ask for Number Input" node in a campaign call treatment and have selected the Question Type, "Zip Code."
  • After a caller inputs their 5-digit zip code, there is a long pause (over 5 seconds) before moving on to the next node.
  • You have noticed that this pause is disrupting your callers' user experience.

Applies To

Customers using the Zip Code Question Type in the "Ask for Number Input" node in one or more of their campaign call treatments.


  1. Update your prompt in the "Ask for Number Input" node to instruct the caller to enter the "#" key after inputting their zip code.
  2. When the caller inputs their Zip Code followed by "#" (e.g., 10001#), the pause is shortened significantly (less than 3 seconds), and the caller's user experience is improved.


The pause is built into the IVR to ensure the caller has finished their number input before moving on to the next node. By following the number input with "#," the system is notified that the number input is finished and the pause is no longer necessary.

Additional Information

This solution does not eliminate a pause entirely, only shortening it to improve the user experience. The pause length with and without inputting "#" can vary due to other factors like connection times. This solution does not guarantee any particular pause length.

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