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Pooling calls are in reporting, but have no Marketing Data values captured for any dynamically captured parameters defined in the Invoca Tag.

Applies To

Invoca Tag


These are most likely Out of Session calls - calls to RingPool numbers that were not served to a webpage visitor by the Invoca tag. If a RingPool number is called directly when not served by the tag the call will still connect, but because it is not part of an active session the Invoca Tag did not collect Marketing Data to apply to the calls, and the values for those fields will be blank.

Out of Session calls can be repeat callers calling an old RingPool number saved in their phone, spam, or potentially related to a RingPool number that has been erroneously hard coded on a website, among other reasons.

Out of Session calls are most easily identified by the complete lack of any dynamic attribution. If just one or two fields are blank but others were captured, it is most likely not an Out of Session call and would need further investigation.

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