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Question Variations

  1. Can I utilize an API to switch a campaign to live?
  2. Which API can I use to update campaign settings?

Applies To

  • Network API


Advertiser Campaigns can be managed using the Network API. In addition to creating, updating, and showing operations. Advertiser campaigns can have their state controlled through this API. When a campaign is created through the API, its “future terms” are being set, and its state is not yet live. When the go_live endpoint is hit, the “future terms” are promoted to “current terms” and the campaign becomes live. Archived campaigns must be unarchived before calling this endpoint to make them live.

Use this request URL format:<network_id>/advertisers/<advertiser_id_from_network>/advertiser_campaigns/<advertiser_campaign_id_from_network>/go_live.json

Additional Information

Advertiser Campaign API Documentation

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