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Return Invoca default data along with marketing field data values in a Transactions API request. This will allow you to pull all of the fields and their values without listing them out individually in the API call.

Applies To

  • Transactions API


  1. Go to your api setup
  2. Add parameter "include_columns" to your api call
  3. To add the default set of Invoca columns, use value: $invoca_default_columns
  4. To add the current list of your marketing data fields, use value: $invoca_custom_columns
  5. Too add both of these, you will comma separate the values (i.e. include columns = $invoca_default_columns, $invoca_custom_columns)


Additional Information

For more information on the Transactions API, please refer to our developer documentation:


If the list returned provides more fields than you are seeking, you can use either the include_columns or exclude_columns to customize to the specific fields you would like returned in your api call.

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