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Community Manager


Determine the correct value for the SHA-1/SHA-256 Fingerprint to configure in your Invoca SSO settings.

Applies To

  • Customers setting up a new SSO integration
  • Customers already integrated with SSO whose identity provider has an expiring X509 certificate.


  1. Depending on which SSO identity provider your organization uses, you should be able to locate your X509 certificate somewhere in your identity provider settings.
  2. Copy the full X509 certificate and paste it into a formatter tool to get the certificate formatted with a header
  3. Copy the formatted certificate and paste it into a fingerprint calculator tool.
  4. Select either sha1 or sha256 from the algorithm menu and click "Calculate Fingerprint"
  5. Copy the formatted fingerprint and paste it into your Invoca SSO settings.

Additional Information

You will likely need the help of your SSO admin to locate the X509 certificate in your identity provider.

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